The re-launching of the direct connection between Cracow and Newark airports by LOT Polish Airlines was an opportunity to promote the tourist and economic potentials of Malopolska region and Cracow in New York city. This event triggered, the Malopolska Tourist Organization, together with the Kraków Airport, to plan a trip for a delegation led by the Vice-Marshal of the Malopolska region, Iwona Gibas, and the President of the Malopolska Tourist Organization, Grzegorz Biedroń. Our agency was asked to prepare and organize the logistical portion of the visit, as well as the assistance in execution of the planned key points of the visit program. It included meetings with the Polish community in New York, presentation of the offer at the Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Manhattan, and business meetings with local entrepreneurs.
We appreciate the opportunity to support another Polish organization with their endeavors in the USA market.
- Malopolska region delegation
- Iwona Gibas – vice marshal of Malopolska region
- Pulaski Business Association